illustration / street / animation / info WELCOME TO BLOODY SPAIN illustration FIESTAS DEL PILAR poster DERECHO A RESISTIR illustration TIGRE illustration NAZI DE MIERDA poster ROMANCE DE LA GUARDIA CIVIL ESPAÑOLA - FEDERICO GARCÍA LORCA fanzine REVISTA CATALUNYA magazine cover AVE ALCAPARRA concert poster BUITRES cartel SIN PASTOR NI REDIL illustration LA FAMIGLIA illustration 50 YEARS OF HIP HOP illustrations LES MISERABLES book cover LA BÒNA BONDAT book cover THE ZARAGOZIAN illustration FIESTAS DE LA MADALENA festival poster SINDICATO ANIMAL ANDA JALEO! JALEO! illustration SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS t-shirt design S'HA FEITO DE NUEIT poster CSO LOIRA Mural MARINA GINESTÀ illustration ROMANCE DE LA PENA NEGRA illustration SERPIENTE illustration CUERVO poster GALLO illustration RED RIDING HOOD illustration Cancionero Ilustrado zine FEM LA REVOLUCIÓ POSSIBLE poster GOYA urban intervention ASALTO 2021 urban intervention AMY WINEHOUSE illustration ZARAGOZA DIVERSA poster THE MAGNETOPHONES album cover ZARAGOZA ROMPAMOS LA BARAJA cartel